We had a lovely visit from our Harcourts Whakatane team and they brought with them a wonderful donation to our wish list fund!
Hospices across New Zealand are benefitting from nearly $32,000 in funding for specialised equipment and new technology thanks to grants from the Harcourts Foundation and its supporting business owners.
Thank you to the Harcourts Foundation for your generous donation to our local Rau Ora Hospice! We know exactly where this money will go! Since June this year, the number of patients we have had on our service has gone from around 30 - to around 90 at any one time!
We have a great clinical team to manage this patient load, but we're still scrambling money together to purchase the extra equipment we need to keep our patients comfortable.
This generous donation from the Harcourts Foundation will go straight towards the money we're saving to buy another Syringe Driver. These small but powerful machines, are essential for some of our patients and can provide medication at a constant rate throughout the day and night, helping to manage pain, nausea and other symptoms.
We may be on our way to buying one more thanks to the Harcourts Foundation, but we could do with another 8-10 syringe drivers! And at just over $3,000 per Syringe Driver, that's a lot of scrambling!
If you would like to help us with money towards a new syringe driver or other necessary equipment, visit our website www.hospiceebop.org.nz/donate
Your donation will stay in our Eastern Bay of Plenty community and will go towards purchasing the extra equipment we need to keep our patients comfortable