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Useful Podcasts

Ending Life Well – the Otago Community Hospice produced podcast series for family carers – has hit 8000 downloads since launching in 2022. The podcast was created to provide accessible information for family carers who have been thrown in the deep end caring for loved ones who are dying. You can listen to their podcast on the Otago Hospice website here or by searching "Ending Life Well" on your favourite podcast app.

Please feel free to share the podcast link if you think it would be helpful for loved ones.


Hospice Standards for Palliative Care

These Standards have been developed by Hospice NZ to support all hospice services to deliver consistent and best quality palliative and end of life care for people regardless of locality and diagnosis.

In May 2019 they launched the fourth version of the

Hospice NZ Standards after an extensive consultation and review process involving all hospices services in New Zealand.


There are 9 Standards covering things such as assessment of needs, grief support and bereavement care and culture within an organisation.

The vision for the Standards is that they support hospice services continuous quality improvement approach to service planning. 


In the first instance they are written solely for hospice palliative care providers, the longer term vision is that other providers of palliative care across many settings will adopt or use the Standards.

Hospice NZ Standards - Cover Page.JPG

Palliative Care Handbook for Health Professionals

The aim of this resource is to make palliative care understandable

for healthcare professionals, using clear logical layout and

understandable explanations of how to manage and cope with

problems that can be very challenging. It includes sections on dementia,

nutrition and prescribing. The Handbook is useful in any place

where palliative care happens – it gives confidence to those

who use it and therefore hopefully comfort to the people approaching

the end of their lives.

To download a soft copy of the Palliative Care Handbook (9th Edition),

please click here

Please remember to save your downloaded copy for easy ongoing access.

Please note – to go directly from the table of contents to the section

you wish to find, simply click on the chapter heading and it will take

you straight there.


A Guide For Carers

Are you caring for someone with a life limiting condition? Sometimes it can be difficult to know what to do or what help and support is available.


Hospice NZ has designed a helpful booklet to answer some of the questions or issues that might arise as part of this journey.


It is important to remember you are not alone.

There are few experiences more difficult than caring for someone at the end of their life. Each of us faces death as uniquely as we lead our life. We all hope that when death comes it will be as peaceful and dignified as possible. We also hope we'll face it feeling comfortable in our surroundings, well cared for and that those

we love are well supported.


Topics covered in this useful guide include caring for a loved one at home, circles of support, home nursing tips and many other practical matters.


Thanks to the support of the Pub Charity, Hospice EBOP can supply copies of A Guide for Carers to patients' families.

Guide For Carers - Cover.png

Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan is available to download here. This document defines the direction Hospice Eastern Bay of Plenty will take in the next few years. It includes our vision, goals, mission statement and the actions we will take to achieve this goal.

Annual Plan

To download a copy of the Annual Report from 2023, please click on the link below.

Additional Links


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Our Team

Click here to meet our team or see our vacancies


How can you get referred to Hospice


Click here to see positions available at Hospice EBOP


Click here for useful links and downloads


Click here to see how you can join our volunteer crew

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